Conference/Event Name
Event Date
Contact Name
Contact Phone Number
Contact Email
Contact Title
Organization/Company Name
Event theme
What are the objectives that you desire from Kevin’s presentation/speech?
What are some of the challenges faced by the individuals in the audience and what are some current challenges and break-throughs experienced by your organizations?
Any issues to avoid?
What small things might your group gripe about? (They hate the parking, the fact that Joe talks too long at meetings, etc.)
What can Kevin as an outsider tell the audience, that you cannot? Here's your big chance; you've hired a professional speaker.... take advantage. What is it that your people need to hear?
If we ask the audience what they think YOU need to hear from THEM, what would they say?
Please provide a brief description of the audience (Ex: Students, Educators, Athletes, Professionals).
What is your organization’s greatest accomplishment during the past year?
What is the approximate ratio of male to female, average age, and approximate number attending?
What is the one thing that the top person in your group says that if I were to say would get a laugh?
Are there people in the audience we can tease in a light, fun way? These need to be people everyone knows and likes, and who are in the audience. I’ll tease someone about something he or she has a choice over: a favorite food; attire...
Previous speakers you’ve employed:
What takes place immediately before and after my program (meal, break, another speaker)?
My presentation begins and ends at:
Who is the person introducing me?
What is appropriate attire?
Please use the space below to include any additional information that you feel would be helpful for Kevin to customize his speech.